Guncon 2 Pc Drivers

Personally, The Last year I would like that my 'NAMCO GUNCON 2' was connected to the PC via this driver. But Lastly I assumed it was not possible and used a Scorpion 3 (One of my other LightGuns) And Right now, most of us are using the 'LCD TOP GUN' wich is fantastic (THANKS FOR THE SMOG´s SUPPORT). I think it is a driver problem. I try to install the driver of the 'GunCon2 driverxp' folder. But it asks me for a guncon2.sys and i can't find it, so I used the other driver. Sorry for my bad english, i am a german. Each player dispatches enemies on slightly different routes, creating unique environments to defend themselves on. It was released for the arcades in 1998 and for the PlayStation 2 in 2001. It was the first game to support the GunCon 2 light gun peripheral. Lastly, youll need topgun drivers these will mediate gunxon the aimtraks and the emulator plugins to relay guncon signals. That would probably be the easiest and most fun option, IMHO. As far as i know, guncon 2 is usb so there would have to be a usb plugin for it, even for games to recognize there being one connected.

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Lightgun setup, PCSX2


Now this setup did my head in. Great emulator, but terrible inbuilt lightgun support - shame seeing as some of the best LG games are on the PS2 at the moment. Basically, your Aimtraks have to be put into a 'special' mode. This is 'GunCon' mode. To do this:
- Hold down A + B button when plugging into your PC.
You have to make sure your gun is wired correctly - A + B buttons to the right connectors on the AImTrak sensor module (if you bought the OEM modules - see HERE).
Lastly, you'll need TopGun drivers - these will mediate between the AimTraks and the emulator plugins to relay GunCon signals.
AimTrak Signal > AimTrak Drivers (transform into GCon signals) > TopGun Driver > Emulator Plugin > Emulator
The plugin you'll need for PCSX2 (and for PCSXr) are here:
It's a bit convoluted. Here's what to start with:
PCSX2 Installed, up and running
2 x AimTrak lightguns
Test game - e.g. Timecrisis 2

Step by step:
Download the TopGun Drivers and extract into a folder (NOT under Program Files)
< Link

Download this facility. It'll allow you to instal unsigned rivers on your Windows OS.
< Link
Follow this guide on setting up system ready for drivers.
< Link
Follow this guide to put Win8 into test mode.
< [you get the idea...]
Download the nuvee plugin for pcsx2. Copy the USB and the ps2_pad nuvee plugins into the plugins folder under the PCSX2 folder.
Follow this guy's guide to setting up:
- AimTraks via the TopGun plugin (puts them into Guncon2 mode)
- The nuvee plugin.

TopGun Settings:

Set them as shown in this pic. Also - be careful with your PAD plugin in PCSX2 - I'v eread somewhere this can interfere with stuff!

'GunCon' Mode

Your Aimtraks will work differently. They will no longer be listed as separate devices. Any buttons you have wired up will no longer show up as controller buttons. I think the only function it has is an 'A' button on the gun itself. All other GunCon features are mapped to the keyboard via StarTrekker's handy plugin [edit: presently trying to source].
This means you have to use a keyboard/keyboard mappings for other game functions like 'Start':
f=C button
spacebar= A button
r= B button
Whenever you launch a PCSX2 lightgun game, you'll need the TopGun Drivers running in the system tray.

Game Specific Considerations


You will need to send keycode 'q' to the game somehow to 'Start.'

[To be reviewed]

Target Box / RF TopGun / EMS TopGun II / EMS TopGun III Download Section

TopGun driver + panel v.1.0 (beta) 26 Jan, 10(Win7 / XP, 64bit windows only)

Download : Link

It's a Win7 64bit driver for TopGun / Target Box.

** please read this thread to fix the driver signature matter on 64bit windows.

TopGun driver + panel v.1.0 (beta) 26 Jan, 10(Vista / XP, 64bit windows only)

Download : Link

It's a Vista 64bit driver for TopGun.

** please read this thread to fix the driver signature matter on 64bit windows.

TopGun driver + panel v.1.0 (beta) 23 June, 08(Win 8 / Win 7 / Vista / XP / 2K, 32bit windows only)

Download : Link

Supports MAME and other gun shooting games perfectly. With keyboard mapping

and profile function.

EMS TopGun III Manual (PDF) 16 Sep, 11

Download : Link

This is a detailed manual includes how to setup and use the TopGun.

EMS TopGun III calibration - video tutorial 16 Sep, 11

Download : Link

This is a movie about how to calibrate the TopGun.

Target Box Manual (PDF) 13 Oct, 10

Download : Link

This is a detailed manual includes how to setup and use the Target Box.

Target Box calibration - video tutorial 27 Oct, 10

Download : Link

This is a movie about how to calibrate the Target Box.

RF TopGun Manual (PDF) 13 Oct, 08

Download : Link

This is a detailed manual includes how to setup the gun and install the driver.

RF TopGun calibration - video tutorial 13 Oct, 08

Download : Link

This is a movie about how to calibrate the RF TopGun.

EMS TopGun II Manual (PDF) 6 June, 08

Guncon 2 pc drivers windows 7Guncon 2 Pc Drivers

Download : Link

This is a detailed manual includes how to setup the gun and install the driver.

EMS TopGun II calibration - video tutorial 6 June, 08

Download : Link

This is a movie about how to calibrate the TopGun.

LCDimage for EMS TopGun II(2K/XP)

Download : Link

Guncon 2 pc drivers

This program supports both (#0718) EMS TopGun II and (#0508) EMS TopGun.

This is the debug mode program, for user to find out the interruption sources.

3rd party drivers

Troubleshooter (2K/XP/Vista)

This program act as a bridge between the driver and the game. It works with

'TopGun driver + panel v.1.0 beta' or 'Smog's GunCon2PC driver'. This program

enables games such as 'House of the Dead 3' and 'Virtual Cop 2' to support

'2 players'. Please visit the above website for details.

Smog's GunCon2PC driver (2K/XP)

EMS TopGun driver for Linux (ver 0.2, by Adolfo R. Brandes)

Download : Link

It works on all kernel versions up to 2.6.24.
It has been tested under Ubuntu 7.10 (Gutsy) and Ubuntu 8.04 (Hardy).
It should work on all distribution.

EMS TopGun Download Section

TopGun driver + panel v.1.0 (beta)23 June, 08(2K/XP)

Download : Link

Supports MAME and other gun shooting games perfectly. With keyboard mapping function.

A profile function is added.

LCDimage (2K/XP)

Download : Link

This program supports both (#0718) EMS TopGun II and (#0508) EMS TopGun.

This is the debug mode program, for user to find out the interruption sources.

Guncon 2 pc drivers

Gun2Mouse V.3.225 Mar, 06(98/2K/ME/XP)

Download : Zip version , Installer version

Added Off Screen Shot option. Added auto detect connection feature. Improved the performance in MAME32.

Gun2Mouse V.3.123 Feb, 06(98/2K/ME/XP)

Download : Zip version , Installer version

Gun2Keyboard function is now workable in MAME. With this driver, TopGun could compatible perfectly with the game 'House of the Dead 3' in PC.

Guncon 2 Pc Drivers

Gun2Mouse V.3.09 Feb, 06(98/2K/ME/XP)

This setup up file includes the EMS TopGun Driver, the Tester program and the Gun2Mouse V3.0. The driver crashing problem in Gun2Mouse V2.1 is solved in Gun2Mouse V3.0. The performance of the gun2mouse function is also improved.

Gun2Mouse V.1.017 Jan, 06(98/2K/ME/XP)

It is the Gun2Mouse application program for EMS TopGun.

EMS TopGun Driver 17 Jan, 06(98/2K/ME/XP)

It is the driver for the EMS TopGun. This driver is included in the Gun2Mouse V.3.0 or above.

Mini Game for EMS TopGun+Source code19 Jan, 06(98/2K/ME/XP)

This is a mini game for EMS TopGun and it's source code.

3rd party drivers


Guncon 2 Pc Drivers

This program act as a bridge between the driver and the game. It works with

'TopGun driver + panel v.1.0 beta' or 'Smog's GunCon2PC driver'. This program

enables games such as 'House of the Dead 3' and 'Virtual Cop 2' to support

'2 players'. Please visit the above website for details.

Smog's GunCon2PC driver

Guncon 2 Pc Drivers Downloads

EMS TopGun driver for Linux (ver 0.2, by Adolfo R. Brandes)

Download : Link

It works on all kernel versions up to 2.6.24.
It has been tested under Ubuntu 7.10 (Gutsy) and Ubuntu 8.04 (Hardy).
It should work on all distribution.

Guncon 2 Pc Drivers Taylormade