The 'MarkC Windows 10 + 8.1 + 8 + 7 + Vista + XP Mouse Acceleration Fix Builder' is available for download from this link: @ onedrive
What is it?
- It's a mouse fix that professional gamers use for accurate mouse sensitivity. One of the Cyberathlete Professional League's members' have made this simple registry change that will disable any mouse acceleration made by Windows XP. Be warned: it will feel akward and slow at first. This is true.
- May 22, 2019 Pair Microsoft Arc Mouse. On the bottom of Microsoft Arc Mouse, press and hold the pairing button until the LED light begins to blink. On your Surface or Windows 10 PC, select Start Settings Devices Bluetooth & Other Devices Add Bluetooth or other Device Bluetooth. Tap or select Microsoft Arc Mouse in the list of Bluetooth devices.
- MarkC Mouse Acceleration Fix - Windows Mouse ThingsMarkc Page:
The 'Enhance pointer precision' option works slightly differently in Windows 7 than it does in XP and Vista, and slightly differently again in Windows 8.x and 10. The Cheese Mouse Fix gives exactly 1-to-1 mouse response for Windows XP and Windows Vista. The MarkC Mouse Fixes give exactly 1-to-1 mouse response for Windows 7 & 8.x & 10.
It is a VBS script program that creates a registry .REG file that removes Windows' mouse acceleration, or emulates Windows 2000 or Windows 98/95 acceleration.
Fix Builder can build .REG files for Windows 10 or 8.1 or 8 or 7 or Vista or XP.
The registry fix created works like the CPL and Cheese and MarkC fixes, but is customized for your specific desktop display text size (DPI), your specific mouse pointer speed slider setting, your specific refresh rate and has any in-game pointer scaling/sensitivity factor you want (see note).
Fix Builder can create a fix that emulates Windows 2000 or Windows 98/95 acceleration.
On Windows 10 x64, when using fixes that emulate Windows 2000 or Windows 9X acceleration, only fixes with a single threshold can be used.
Using a 2 threshold emulation fix will cause BugChecks / Blue Screen of Death (BSOD)!
For older games that turn acceleration on, it gives the same response as position 6/11 does
(Yeah, I know : 'Whoop-de-do...')
Exactly 1-to-1 means no discarded or delayed mouse input while game playing.
Other Registry fixes need the pointer speed slider set to 6/11 (middle) to get exactly 1-to-1 in-game mouse to pointer response, but this script can create a registry fix that gives exact 1-to-1 in-game response for non-6/11 settings.
Other registry fixes only provide files for some pre-defined display DPI values: 100%, 125%..., but this script can create a fix for any DPI setting.
The Cheese registry fixes only provides files for some pre-defined monitor refresh rate values: 60Hz, 70Hz, but this script can create a fix for any refresh rate setting.
Fix Builder can create a fix with any in-game mouse-to-pointer scaling factor you want (see note).
NOTE: ALL registry based mouse fixes, INCLUDING this one, ONLY work when the
Control Panel > Mouse > 'Enhance pointer precision' option is ON (OR when an older game forces 'Enhance pointer precision' to ON), AND your game does not use DirectInput and does not use Raw Input for mouse input.
Eh? What is it again?
A mostly pointless sledgehammer solution to the problem of having to change your Control Panel > Mouse > pointer speed slider to 6/11 before you play an older game that needs a registry fix so you can avoid at most a single pixel of discarded or delayed mouse input while game playing...
A way to emulate Windows 2000 or Windows 98/95 acceleration.
An interesting programming exercise!
How do you use it?
How To Fix Windows 10
- In Windows Explorer, double-click MarkC_Windows_10+8+7+Vista+XP_MouseFix_Builder.vbs,
or double-click MarkC_Windows_10+8+7+Vista+XP_MouseFix_Builder.CMD. - Verify or edit the suggested settings, clicking OK as you go.
- Add/Merge the created fix to the registry.
(See below for non-Administrator account use.) - Reboot or Log off to apply the fix (you have to reboot or Log off).
- If you don't use the mouse pointer speed slider set to 6/11, and you do want exact 1-to-1 in-game, then configure your game so that it enables control panel 'Enhance pointer precision'.
If you want Windows 2000+98+95 acceleration in-game, then configure your game so that it enables control panel 'Enhance pointer precision'.
(For example, in Counter-Strike: Source and other Source games, do use-useforcedmparms and don't use-noforcemspd . In Half-Life, CounterStrike 1.6, don't use-noforcemspd or-noforcemparms .) - Enjoy exactly 1-to-1 mouse to pointer response for your custom desktop settings!
(Or enjoy Windows 2000-like or Windows 98/95-like acceleration!)
(If you applied one of the Windows 2000 or Windows 98/95 Acceleration fixes, then 'Enhance pointer precision' must be checked ON to enable it.)
Why do you need a fix?
Some older games turn Windows mouse acceleration on when you don't want them to. See here for more details.
Marc Mouse Fix Windows 10 Camera
You prefer the mouse acceleration that Windows 2000 or Windows 98/95 had.
How does the fix work?
The current system is queried, and you can change the values and tune the registry fix file created.
The result is saved to a file and can optionally be imported into the registry.
The script asks for:
- Operating system that the fix will be used for.
- The desktop Control Panel, Display, text size (DPI) that will be used.
- The in-game monitor refresh rate that will be used (XP and Vista only).
- The Control Panel, Mouse, pointer speed slider position that will be used.
- Windows-2000+98+95-style acceleration thresholds (optional).
- The pointer speed scaling (sensitivity) factor for that pointer speed setting.
- Where you want to save the fix to and what name.
It creates a registry .reg file with the settings entered, and optionally lets you merge / apply it into the registry.
How do you know the fix is working?
You can test if it is working by temporarily turning on the 'Enhance pointer precision' feature and see how the mouse responds.
(NOTE: Unless you applied one of the Windows 2000 or Windows 98/95 Acceleration fixes, only turn 'Enhance pointer precision' on for testing: it should normally be set OFF.)
If you have 'Enhance pointer precision' OFF, then the fix will not be active (but it will be waiting to be activated when needed).
Just as some games turn it on when you don't want them to, we can turn it on manually to test that the fix is working properly.
- Go to Control Panel, and select Hardware and Sound, then click Mouse. Select 'Pointer options' and check-ON/enable the 'Enhance pointer precision' option.
- See how the mouse responds.
- If you want, you can run the MouseMovementRecorder.exe program that is included in the ZIP file to see that the mouse and pointer movements are 1-to-1 and always the same (or are whatever custom scaling you entered).
(The numbers in the MOUSE MOVEMENT column should be the same as the numbers in the POINTER MOVEMENT column. Any differences will appear in green or red.
If you do see differences, also test with 'Enhance pointer precision' OFF, in case the problem is with Windows or MouseMovementRecorder.exe rather than a problem with the fix:
- Press the A key on the keyboard while MouseMovementRecorder is running until EnPtPr Accel is Off.
- When EnPtPr Accel is OFF, if there is a lot of red and green, press the '+' key on the keyboard and move the mouse.
- Repeat '+' and move the mouse until most of the red and green disappears.
- Press the A key on the keyboard to toggle EnPtPr Accel and move the mouse.
- If the amount of red and green is roughly the same when EnPtPr Accel is ON as when EnPtPr Accel is Off, then the fix is working.)
(NOTE: If you use Windows 10, & scaling of items is not 100%, see below.)
(NOTE: If you use Windows 8.1 and have too much green and red, see below.)
(NOTE: While running a game, you may see many red and green lines.
Games that need a fix usually frequently re-position the pointer and this confuses MouseMovementRecorder.exe but DOES NOT mean acceleration.
See - scroll to 'Comment #271'.) - If you have built a Windows 2000 or Windows 9X fix, you should see that acceleration varies depending upon how fast the mouse is, compared to the thresholds, but is linear (a constant sensitivity) between thresholds.
(NOTE: See file !Threshold_Acceleration_ReadMe.txt in the ZIP file for more info.) - Turn the 'Enhance pointer precision' option OFF when you have finished testing.
(If you applied one of the Windows 2000 or Windows 98/95 Acceleration fixes, then leave 'Enhance pointer precision' checked ON to enable it.)
How do you know the fix is giving exact 1-to-1 when playing your game?
If you don't use the mouse pointer speed slider set to 6/11, and you do want exact 1-to-1 in-game, then you must configure your game so that it enables control panel 'Enhance pointer precision'.
You can test your game to see if it turns 'Enhance pointer precision' ON, and gets exact 1-to-1.
- Turn the 'Enhance pointer precision' option OFF,
- Run Mouse Movement Recorder (included in the ZIP file),
- Run your game (aim at something!) and look at the 'EnPtPr' column footer at the bottom of the Mouse Movement Recorder window.
If it is displayed with a red background then the game has turned acceleration ON and will have exact 1-to-1.
How do you remove it?
- Open the ZIP file at the link above.
- If you use Windows 7 or Vista or XP:
Select 'Windows_7+Vista+XP_Default.reg' and Double-click it. - If you use Windows 8 or Windows 8.1 or Windows 10:
Select 'Windows_10+8.x_Default.reg' and Double-click it. - Answer Yes, OK to the prompts that appear.
- Reboot or Log off.
I use Windows 10 and scaling of text, apps and other items is not 100%
In later versions of Windows 10, Microsoft changed how the mouse pointer is moved in response to mouse input, when scaling of text, apps and other items is not 100%, and Enhance pointer precision is OFF.
Mouse pointer movements when Enhance pointer precision is OFF, are now scaled according to the per-monitor scaling of items setting.
When Enhance pointer precision is OFF, and the Control Panel pointer speed slider is set to 6/11, MouseMovementRecorder will not show all-black, exact 1-to-1, but instead Pointer Movement will be multiplied by the same scaling factor applied to text, apps and other items.
Games may also see this difference, or not, depending on their 'DPI Awareness'.
I use Windows 8.1 and see too much green and/or red in MouseMovementRecorder
Windows 8.1 introduced changes to mouse input processing to reduce power used and improve battery life:
Windows 8.1 delays and coalesces (merges) mouse input for programs, causing the effective mouse polling rate to be as low as 62 Hz in some cases (even for gaming mice with a higher polling rate).
This new processing can affect some games (games that don't use Raw Input and don't use DirectInput). Microsoft have a December 2013 Windows Update Rollup that includes a fix for those games, which will be automatically installed when you have Windows Update set to install updates automatically.
(See here: KB2908279 Mouse pointer stutters or freezes when you play certain games in Windows 8.1.)
The new processing can also affect MouseMovementRecorder and cause it to show red and green (with the mouse delays, MouseMovementRecorder sees a mouse movement from DirectInput, but doesn't see the pointer move until MUCH MUCH later and can't figure out what's going on and displays red and green).
If the KB2908279 update fix is installed, MouseMovementRecorder will activate it
to give more responsive mouse pointer movement and stop the red and green.
Otherwise, while running MouseMovementRecorder, select it and press the '+' key
on the keyboard a until the red and green stops.
If Control Panel, Appearance and Personalization, Display shows a 'Smaller...Larger' slider, high DPI monitors might need a custom size and/or a fix-builder fix to get exact 1-to-1.
See this blog article:
Windows 8.1 DPI Scaling Enhancements @ Extreme Windows Blog
The new multi-monitor DPI scaling in Windows 8.1 is a good thing if you have multiple monitors with different pixels-per-inch values, BUT it might make it harder to find the correct Item Size percentage when choosing which MarkC fix to use to get exact 1-to-1.
Try clicking the 'Let me choose one scaling level for all my displays' checkbox and then find the percentage needed so that your main (gaming) monitor looks the same as it did when using the 'Smaller...Larger' slider (this may require some reboots).
When you have the right percentage value, click ' scaling level...' OFF (so that you get the benefit of the new Multi-monitor DPI scaling - if you need it) and use the percentage value to choose which fix you need, or to create a Fix-Builder fix.
Loading the fix with a non-administrator account
When adding the mouse acceleration fix to the registry, you may get one of these error messages:
'Cannot import (filename).reg: Not all data was successfully written to the registry.'
'Part of the mouse acceleration fix can't be applied, because you are not logged in as an Administrator.'
This error happens because part of the fix turns off acceleration for the Welcome screen (the log on screen).
If you use the Welcome screen (or the Windows Log in dialog) and acceleration is NOT turned off for the Welcome screen, then the MarkC fixes have a 1 pixel /1 mouse count error when the mouse changes direction left/right or up/down.
You can remove this 1 mouse count error by any of these methods:
- Run Disable_WelcomeScreen+Login_Accel.CMD as Administrator (Right-click > Run as administrator).
- Run MarkC_Windows_10+8+7+Vista+XP_MouseFix_Builder.CMD as Administrator.
- Add/Merge Disable_WelcomeScreen+Login_Accel.reg to the registry while logged in as an administrator.
- Run RegEdit.exe and edit 'HKEY_USERS.DEFAULTControl PanelMouseMouseSpeed' to 0 (zero), while logged in as an administrator.
- Not moving or touching the mouse while using the Welcome screen (use arrow keys to select the user and Enter key to log in).
- Ignoring the 1 mouse count error! It's only a single count: You won't notice it.
How To Easily Fix Mouse Lag On Windows 10?
Computers can suffer slow response or 'lag', a term commonly used in online gaming. In general, lag is the time difference between initiating a task and the action or result. For example, it might refer to a delay that occurs between the time a key is pressed on the keyboard and the time that the corresponding character appears on the screen. This is one simple example, but there are many other situations where lag might be a problem.
Working with computers can be stressful enough without having to deal with mouse and keyboard lag. Poor computer performance can quickly lead to diminished overall work output, so removing mouse and keyboard issues will greatly improve efficiency. The most likely reasons could be interference from certain hardware or software, Windows settings, or types of peripherals used. Windows 10 mouse lags can appear during mouse cursor scrolling with a wireless Bluetooth mouse or trackpad on Windows 10 laptop or desktop computers. If you experience Windows 10 lag problems with your mouse (the cursor stutters, freezes, or does not move at all), read the guide below to find a possible solution.
Table of Contents:
It is recommended to run a free scan with Malwarebytes - a tool to detect malware and fix computer errors. You will need to purchase the full version to remove infections and eliminate computer errors. Free trial available.
Reinstall/Update Your Mouse Driver
A device driver is software that informs the operating system and other software how to interact with particular hardware. It is like a translator between software and hardware, since they often are created by different manufacturers, companies, or people. The driver facilitates smooth communication between hardware and software. In most cases, computers are unable to send and receive data correctly without drivers. If the appropriate driver is not installed, the device might not function properly, if at all. A fault with your mouse driver might cause problems with lag. Try your mouse on another computer to see if you can repeat the problem. If not, then you probably have a faulty driver and that requires re-installation. To do so, type 'device manager' in Search and click the 'Device Manager' result to open it.
In Device Manager, find 'Mice and other pointing devices', expand it and right-click on your mouse, select 'Uninstall' from the drop-down menu to uninstall it. Restart the computer and Windows will automatically install the missing driver.
You can also try updating your mouse driver. Repeat the steps and select 'Update driver' from the drop-down menu when right-clicked on your mouse in the Device Manager window. You will be asked if you want to search for updated driver software automatically or to browse your computer for driver software. If you select the first option, Windows will search your computer and the Internet for the latest driver software for your device. If you select to browse your computer for driver software, you will need to have the correct driver on your computer or USB drive. You can find the driver on your mouse manufacturer's website.
Another way to update or install a new driver for your mouse is by using third-party software such as Snappy Driver Installer. You will need a computer with a working internet connection in order to download it.
Snappy Driver Installer (SDI) is a powerful free driver updater tool for Windows that can store its entire collection of drivers offline. Having offline drivers gives Snappy Driver Installer the ability to have access to fast driver updates, even if there is no active internet connection. Snappy Driver works with both 32-bit and 64-bit versions of Windows 10, Windows 8, Windows 7, Windows Vista, and Windows XP. Drivers are downloaded through Snappy Driver Installer in what are called driverpacks, which are just collections (packs) of drivers for various hardware like sound devices, video cards, network adapters etc. It can also show duplicate drivers and invalid drivers and it separates the updates that require you to restart your computer so it would be easier to distinguish them from the rest. You can download Snappy Driver Installer from here.
After you have finished updating and installing drivers, restart Windows 10 for the changes to take effect and see if this helps to fix the mouse lag problem.
Update Your Graphics Driver
To update the graphic driver through Windows, go to Device Manager (as described in the method above). In the Device Manager window, expand 'Display adapters' (or click the arrow showing right). Right-click the graphics driver and select 'Update driver'.
Windows will ask you how you want to search for drivers. Click 'Search automatically for updated driver software'. Windows will find and install drivers for you. Alternatively, you can choose to browse your computer for driver software - you will need to have the correct driver on your computer or USB drive. You can find it on your graphics card manufacturer's website.
To update your graphics driver, use you can also use Snappy Driver Installer. You can find the link for the described method above. Or, you can read full article about how to update your video drivers on Windows 10 here.
Disable/Enable Scroll Inactive Windows Feature
One of the native features of Windows 10 is the ability to scroll inactive windows by simply hovering over such a window with the mouse pointer and then using the mouse wheel. The contents of the inactive window will be scrolled. For example, if you have an inactive Notepad window containing text, that text will be scrolled. The focus will not change and remain in the current active window. Disabling this feature (and re-enabling, if needed) might help to fix the mouse lag issue. To disable/enable this feature go to Settings and click 'Devices'.
In Devices settings, click 'Mouse' (or 'Mouse & touchpad') on the left pane and then try disabling and enabling the 'Scroll inactive windows when I hover them' feature a few times and check if the issue is resolved.
If you are using a laptop, try setting your touchpad to 'No delay (always on)' - you will find this option under the 'Touchpad' section.
End Realtek Audio Process
It is possible that your Realtek audio card (or other audio card) might interfere with your mouse and cause the lag issue. To fix this problem, you need to terminate the Realtek audio process in Task Manager. Right-click on Start and click 'Task Manager' to open it.
In Task Manager, find 'Realtek audio.exe' under the 'Processes' tab and right-click it. Select 'End task' from the drop-down menu to end the process.
This issue can also be caused by Realtek Audio Manager. In some cases, this application starts automatically with Windows and causes the problem to occur. To fix the issue, open Task Manager again and disable Realtek Audio Manager in the Startup tab. In the Task Manager window, click 'Startup' tab and try to locate Realtek Audio Manager. If it appears, select it by clicking it, and then click 'Disable' to disable it from launching on Windows startup.
Disable Fast Startup
Fast startup is a feature on Windows 10 (and also Windows 8) that provides a faster boot time when starting up your computer. It is a useful feature and one that most people use without knowing, however, some people disable it immediately when they receive a new computer with the Windows operating system. With the fast startup feature enabled, shutting down your computer might seem like you are completely shutting it down, but this is not entirely true, since it moves into a state between hibernation and shutdown. Leaving fast startup enabled should not harm your PC, since it is a Windows feature, but this could be the reason why the mouse is lagging. To fix the problem, you could disable this feature to see if it helps. To disable this feature, go to Search and type 'control panel'. Click on the 'Control Panel' result to open it.
In Control Panel, set 'View by:' to 'Small icons', find 'Power options' and click it.
In the Power Options window, click 'Choose what the power button does'.
Click on 'Change settings that are currently unavailable' and then uncheck the 'Turn on fast startup (recommended)' option if it is enabled. Click 'Save changes' to save the changes made. Your mouse should start working normally again.
Disable Cortana
Cortana is a virtual assistant created by Microsoft. Disabling it might resolve the problem with mouse lag. To disable Cortana, open it and go to Settings in the top left corner. In Settings, find the 'Cortana can give you suggestions, ideas, reminders, alerts and more' option and set it to 'Off'. Check if this helps to resolve the issue.
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Disconnect Other USB Devices
Another solution that might help is to disconnect any other devices from USB ports. Often, other USB devices can interfere with the mouse and cause a lag issue. Try to disconnect your portable hard drive from the USB port if there is one connected (you do not need to disconnect your keyboard).
There are different USB port types. For example USB 2.0 and USB 1.0 differ in the data transfer rate they are capable of. The maximum speed that USB 1.0 devices can achieve is 12Mbps, while 2.0 devices can theoretically achieve up to 40 times more. If you are using a wireless mouse, try connecting its receiver to the USB 2.0 port.
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Adjust Power Management Settings For USB
Type 'device manager' in Search and click the 'Device Manager' result to open it.
In Device Manager, find 'Universal Serial Bus controllers' and expand it. Double-click the USB Hub device to open its properties.
In the USB Hub device properties window, click the 'Power Management' tab and uncheck the 'Allow the computer to turn off this device to save power' checkbox. Repeat these steps for all USB Hub devices your computer. After completing these steps, your mouse should work properly and without any lag.
Fix Windows 10 Start Menu
We hope that one of these solutions helped you to fix the mouse lag issue on your Windows PC and that your mouse is now working properly.