Systemsettings Exe Pc Settings


PC settings

SystemSettings.exe. What is it?

The SystemSettings.exe is a PC settings.
This file is part of Microsoft® Windows® Operating System. SystemSettings.exe is developed by Microsoft Corporation. It’s a system and hidden file. SystemSettings.exe is usually located in the %WINDOWS% sub-folder and its usual size is 745,632 bytes.

Why is systemsettings.exe communicating with aka. The contacted account EDGECAST-NETBLK-01 or NetHandle: NET-72-21-80-0-1 is owned by MCI Communications Services, Inc. What is System Settings.exe? The.exe extension on a filename indicates an exe cutable file. Executable files may, in some cases, harm your computer. Therefore, please read below to decide for yourself whether the System Settings.exe on your computer is a Trojan that you should remove, or whether it is a file belonging to the Windows operating system or to a trusted application.


The SystemSettings.exe process is safe and disabling it can be dangerous, because programs on your computer need it to work correctly.


Security risk:Free spyware & virus scanRegistry Errors:Free scan (run Registry Cleaner)Uninstallation: N/A Uninstall (run Unistall Manager)Disk & Memory Usage: N/A Free scan (run Task Manager)


Author: Microsoft CorporationProcess: PC settingsPart Of: Microsoft® Windows® Operating SystemCommon path(s): subfolder in %WINDOWS%Keywords(s): systemFilesize(s): 745,632 bytes


The Microsoft-Windows-SystemSettingsThreshold component implements settings related to mobile broadband.

In This Section

About My Pc System Settings

Systemsettings Exe Pc Settings
DisplayNetworkSelectionSpecify whether to always show the Network Selection control in the Mobile Broadband Properties dialog.
WiFiToWlanUse 'WLAN' instead of 'Wi-Fi' for the heading in the Networks list.

Systemsettings.exe Pc Settings

Applies To

How Do I Enable Settings

To determine whether a component applies to the image you’re building, load your image into Windows SIM and search for the component or setting name. For information on how to view components and settings, see Configure Components and Settings in an Answer File.

Windows 10 System Settings Exe

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